Protecting Your Home While on Vacation

You’ve booked your trip and packed your suitcase, but before you depart, take the time to vacation proof your home. June, July and August are popular vacation months, and unfortunately, home burglaries rise during these summer months. Whether you take a weekend getaway or a longer trip, consider taking extra security and home protection measures. Take a look at…

The Most Illegal and Forbidden Places to Visit in the World

Forbidden and fascinating – from illegal islands to dangerous destinations, these secret places are sure to tempt your travel curiosities.  We all love a bit of mystery. So what’s more tempting than visiting somewhere that is illegal to travel to? Generally, when it comes to travel, places to visit include famous sights of the world,…

The Traveler’s First Aid Kit: Packing for Adventures and Mishaps!

Hey there, intrepid traveler! If there’s one thing that goes hand in hand with wanderlust, it’s preparedness. Imagine this: you’re exploring a bustling market in Bangkok or hiking up a scenic trail in the Swiss Alps when—oh no!—a pesky blister or an unexpected headache hits. Fear not, fellow explorer! That trusty first aid kit is…

Preparing for Holiday Travel: Your Ultimate Guide

Introduction The holiday season is upon us, and that means it’s time to start planning for your upcoming holiday travel. Whether you’re visiting family in another state or jetting off to an exotic destination, careful preparation can make your holiday travel experience smooth and stress-free. In this guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process…

What is Airplane Turbulence?

Imagine you’re in a car driving down a road, and the road isn’t perfectly smooth. Sometimes you hit small bumps or potholes, right? Well, in the sky, the air isn’t always perfectly smooth either. Airplane turbulence is like those bumps in the road but in the air. It happens when the plane encounters pockets of…

The Best Time to Cruise to Alaska

The best time to cruise to Alaska largely depends on your preferences and what you hope to experience during your trip. Alaska’s cruise season generally runs from late spring to early fall, with the peak months being June, July, and August. Also remember, that since Alaska has a short travel season it is best to…