10 reasons to start an independent travel business 

10. You love helping

Helping people is a wonderful benefit of becoming an
independent travel agent. And you’re not only helping them save time and money,
but helping them to relax and have fun. There’s nothing better!  

9. You need a flexible work schedule

Starting your own travel business gives you the unique and
distinct pleasure of setting your own hours according to your schedule. 

8. You need to work from home

The reasons to work from home are numerous. Maybe your
spouse is in a job that relocates a lot, perhaps you’re a caregiver for an
elderly family member or small child. Working from home can be the answer for
many situations.  

7. You need extra income

In uncertain times, there’s no better reassurance than
having a little extra money in the savings account. Becoming an independent
travel agent with Outside Agent Link can allow you earn up to 80% commissions
on the trips you book, the highest in the industry.  

6. You’re a stay-at-home caregiver

Whether it’s your mother, grandfather or child, caregiving
can be a full-time job and not allow you to explore many traditional 9-5 jobs.
However, with the flexibility of schedule and working from home, starting a
travel business from home could be just what you need to earn money while still
focusing on your familial responsibilities.  

5. You’re retired or semi-retired

Outside Agent Link is the perfect fit for retirees, whether
you used to work in the travel industry or not. Plus, it’s the perfect time for
you to travel, so maybe you can put your extra income from the business into a
fund to see the parts of the world you’ve been wanting to!  

4. You’re looking for a big change

The American workforce has changed in recent years. People
are no longer entering a company and staying for 30 years. People are looking
at their career paths as a “jungle gym” (to borrow a term from Sheryl
Sandberg). If it’s time to shake things up, this can be a great way to sharpen
your entrepreneurial and sales skills, while maintaining clientele. You may
fall in love with it or choose to move on, but you have shifted directions in a
positive way and improved your marketability.  

3. You’re unhappy in your current career

The best reason to try something new is your work/life
balance and happiness level. If you’re not happy at your current day job, you
need to quit and find something that is fulfilling. Here are 5 signs you’re
ready to quit your day job

2. You love to travel

What better reason do you need to become an independent
travel agent
? You can leverage connections and networks for your own vacations
later—not to mention make extra money to add to the travel savings fund.
Additionally, there may be discounts and promotions you have access to as a
travel agent that average people would not. 

1.  You’re ready to be your own boss

Being your own boss can be a
daunting task, especially when thinking about the discipline it takes to work
from home. But nothing worth doing is ever easy! So, if you’re ready to take
the plunge and work for yourself, then becoming an independent travel agent
could be the perfect career move.