How To Travel with an Agent State-of-Mind

How can thinking like a travel agent transform your getaways into unforgettable adventures? We have some tips that may change your outlook on travel forever, all thanks to adopting an agent state-of-mind. Whether you are currently living the dream as a travel agent or it has long been your dream gig in retirement, it’s just…

4 Essential Customer Service Tips for Travel Agents

Travel agents are masters of many skills. From your in-depth knowledge of scheduling travel to your superb organization, the best travel agents are always working hard to provide the best travel experience to their clients. One area that cannot be overlooked when it comes to maintaining your client relationships is your customer service skills. With…

A Travel Agent’s Ultimate Airport Survival Guide

Your bags are packed. You’re checked-in for your flight. The only thing between you and your vacation is a few grueling hours at the airport. Instead of starting and ending your getaway on a sour note, make the most of your time at the airport with this survival guide: Dress correctly Picking the correct outfit…

Travel Agent Tips for Customized Trip Planning

What really makes a vacation special is not the grandioseness of the destination or the amount of money spent, but those small details that make the trip unique to those who experienced it. Travel agents can increase client loyalty and referrals by simply taking the time to customize trips for their clients wants and needs.…

4 Tips for Travel Agents When Asking Clients for Referrals

Word-of-mouth referrals are more valuable than ever in our internet and social media-driven society. In fact, over a third of participants in a recent survey said they decided to use a travel agent because of a friend’s recommendation. But how do travel agents go about gaining these valuable referrals without isolating their current clients? Here…

What is Blesiure Travel and How Does it Affect Travel Agents?

There’s a new hybrid type of travel that’s gaining popularity amongst businessmen and women. It’s called “bleisure” travel, a mix of business and leisure, two starkly separate categories, combined in one trip. Where did this new travel trend come from and how does it affect travel agents? We’ve got some answers to those questions: Where…

Work-Life Balance Tips for Home-Based Travel Agents

Working from home is the dream for many people, and it’s easy to see why. No commute, more time with your children, your pet sleeping at your feet. Many of our travel agents love our home-based program for these reasons among many others. However, there are challenges that come along with working from home, such…

3 Lead Generating Tips for Independent Travel Agents

Even the most seasoned travel agent can feel like they’ve hit a roadblock trying to reach new clients. Despite the many communication tools of our digital age, it seems more difficult than ever to be heard above the noise and to generate qualified leads for your independent travel business. Many independent and home-based travel agents…

Tips for Handling a Client’s Travel Emergency

Travel abroad is one of the most memorable experiences in an individual’s life. Often, travel agents will work with clients who are planning a trip overseas and want your assistance making the trip unforgettable. However, a travel agent’s job isn’t over after they have planned out a trip itinerary and booked the hotel and flights.…

What Travelers Expect From Their Travel Agent

If you’re a travel agent, you know what specialized knowledge and skills you offer your clients. However, do you know what they hope to get from you when it comes to planning their trip? Travelers may be turning back to travel agents instead of budget booking websites, but their expectations are still high for the…