A host agency isn’t a travel agency, nor is it a supplier. A host agency is an organization of travel agents. They provide the proper resources for the price of a monthly fee or commission split. Host agencies offer travel agents guidance, tools, and training to keep up with the ever-changing multi-billion dollar travel industry


What to Look For in a Host Agency

A host agency is sort of like your compass, giving you a sense of direction. When deciding on a host agency, it really comes down to the support and resources the company offers. It’s also important to assess what your needs are as a travel agent. If you’re new to the industry, you may need an agency that offers more training and support options. If you are a more seasoned travel agent, perhaps you are simply seeking access to proper commission overrides. 

  • Training. The agency you join should have a training program. Even if you have prior experience, going through training will ensure you are up to date with the latest standards and practices. 
  • Support. Your host agency should be there for you every step of the way.  If you have any questions or concerns, our team at Outside Agent Link is there for you seven days a week. We also have a private Facebook page where other agents are encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences.
  • Resources. This couldn’t be any more important. The resources available can make or break your work as a travel agent. No matter how wonderful your customer service is or how reputable you may be, without the proper deals and booking tools you’re incapable of keeping up with competitors. A successful travel agent will have the latest booking technology and marketing solutions. Outside Agent Link provides comprehensive online booking systems, custom flyers, promotional material, as well as access to Travel Leaders Network Promotions and Agent Incentives.  
  • Networking. One of the benefits of working with a host agency is the marketing and networking opportunities. It’s not uncommon for agencies to have forum boards or Facebook pages to connect other travel agents to each other. Outside Agent Link matches agents with leads through the Travel Leaders Network’s national website. 
  • Experience. Not only should your host agency be able to provide you support from first-hand experiences, their pre-establishment should open the floodgates for access to various travel offers and promotions independent agents aren’t offered. The host agency’s partnership with airlines and other services will also allow you to take advantage of lower start-up costs. 
  • Coverage. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. The agency should have an insurance policy that covers any possible issues.

A host agency isn’t a travel agent or travel supplier, it’s more like your partner. Working with a host agency is the easiest way to get your travel business off the ground or expand your pre-existing practice. They will provide you support, training, marketing solutions, networking, coverage, and access to the latest technology. 

Outside Agent Link has been proud to offer our services to travel agents for over 20 years. We are a subsidiary of Thomas Hogan Travel, which is associated with one of the largest travel franchise companies globally, Travel Leaders Network. Our staff is made up of well-rounded industry experts with first hand travel experience. Outside Agent Link is there for our travel agents every step of the way, happily supporting you and your growing business. 

Stay up to date on the latest travel industry trends, professional insights, and more over on our blog. To learn more information about Outside Agent Link, our services, programs and more, please contact us