Make the Most of Your Vacation with Cushion Days

Your time is valuable, especially when you’ve worked hard all year for that well-deserved holiday. When planning your vacation, it’s important to optimize every moment. Many travelers try to pack their days with endless experiences—museums, iconic sites, local cuisine, and relaxing on idyllic beaches. But often, returning from such a busy trip leaves you feeling like you need another vacation just to recover.

As expert travel planners, we recommend a different approach. We create itineraries with ample time for relaxation between activities, and we suggest adding cushion days to your journey. Cushion days are extra days at the end of your trip, allowing you to ease back into reality and reflect on your experiences. Here’s why you should consider adding cushion days to your next adventure.

  1. More Time, Less Stress Adding an extra day or two at the end of your journey can significantly reduce stress. If your flight is delayed or canceled, you have extra time to rearrange your plans. If you lose your luggage, you’ll have time to replace essentials. And if jet lag hits hard, you’ll have time to rest up before returning to your routine.
  2. Work Can Wait Instead of rushing back to work immediately after your vacation, take advantage of a cushion day to recharge. This will help you transition smoothly back into your work routine. Even if it means sacrificing an extra vacation day, you can still use part of it to relax or enjoy activities like going to the movies.
  3. Time to Explore Rather than rushing from the port to the airport on the last day of your cruise, add a cushion day to explore the destination leisurely. Spend an extra day in Barcelona, for example, visiting attractions like La Sagrada Familia and savoring local cuisine. Our advisors can help you plan pre- and post-cruise tours for a relaxing day of exploration in port cities worldwide.

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