Everyone has advice when it comes to traveling. Go here, bring this, don’t do that, avoid this. Often times these tips are helpful in certain situations and destinations, but otherwise…
What is Blesiure Travel and How Does it Affect Travel Agents?
There’s a new hybrid type of travel that’s gaining popularity amongst businessmen and women. It’s called “bleisure” travel, a mix of business and leisure, two starkly separate categories, combined in…
3 Major Mistakes Travelers Make On Online Booking Sites
The internet is an amazing tool, especially when it comes to planning trips. You can learn about new places you would never have considered, easily compare flight times and discover…
5 Apps Every Traveler Should Download
It’s undeniable that technology and the internet have permanently changed the travel industry. From how people book their trips to what they do while traveling, the constant presence of smartphones…
2018 Top Travel Destination Predictions
The holidays are in full swing and that means 2018 is just around the corner. For avid travelers and travel experts, it’s important to know the upcoming trends in the…
Autumn Celebrations Around the World
All around the world, autumn is a time of celebration and festivals. While we celebrate with pumpkin carving, costumes and candy in the United States, there are numerous other famous…
Top 3 Reasons People Think They Don’t Need a Travel Agent
When all the information in the world is seemingly at our fingertips, a lot of people out there have the mindset that they don’t need experts anymore. From fixing their…
Best Cities in the U.S. to Travel to With Your Children
With school back in full swing, now is a good time to start thinking about a family vacation for everyone to look forward to. While a trip to an exotic…
Top Summer Travel Destinations Outside North America
Summertime means vacations galore. While some people prefer to spend their summer holiday somewhere that doesn’t require a passport, there’s something to be said for taking a trip across the…
How to be A Successful Travel Agent in the Age of Faceless Travel Websites
Nowadays, it seems that around every virtual corner is a new website offering travelers cheap and fast access to all the services they used to rely on from travel agents.…