The 3 Qualities All Successful Small Business Owners Possess

  No matter what industry you’re in, there are three qualities that all successful small business owners possess. And having these qualities is a great way to ascertain whether or not you’re ready to take on the challenge of becoming your own boss and selling travel as an independent agent. All successful small business owners possess…

What Skills Does an Indepedent Travel Consultant Need?

Becoming an independent travel consultant is a rewarding experience, but it does take work. It’s not for everyone, and at Outside Agent Link, we like to be transparent about what it takes because we want all of our agents to be successful. The three things you need to have to be a successful travel agent?…

Why Be an Independent Travel Consultant?

Picture this. You’re about halfway through your cross-country trip when you land in Denver only to find bad weather greeting you. Planes have been grounded, flights have been canceled, and you are now stuck in the sea of grumpy travelers and airline representatives. You take your spot in line and listen to the passive aggression…

Working From Home is Important to Your Young Kids

As the back to school season kicks into high gear, countless parents are helping their kids locate that perfect first-day outfit, track down the last of their town’s “Book Sox,” and decide which unlucky parent gets to drive little Tommy from school to his friend’s houses after classes are over. No matter how stressful this…