Does your Client Need Travel Insurance? Here are 5 Reasons to Say Yes

Lost Luggage  Arriving at a destination without your luggage is an awful way to start your vacation and your customer deserves better. Travel insurance can reimburse for the replacement of essential items and turn around the bad beginning! Many U.S. Healthcare & Medicare plans don’t cover international travel If clients have an accident or become…

Is Working from Home For You?

Working from home requires a lot of discipline because, let’s face it, there are a lot of distractions at home: dishes that need to be washed, dogs that need to be walked, kids that need to be tended to, etc. Some people can find themselves doing everything but working when they’re at home. We’ve rounded…

Helpful Travel Agent Terminology

  When it comes to travel, there can sometimes feel like a lot of confusion with vendors and tours. What’s the difference in an American Plan and a Modified American Plan for meals, for example? To best serve your clients, independent travel agents need to know the quick and easy way to explain these terms.…